Kite Ridge School is a maintained school offering long term placements for pupils from across Buckinghamshire. The school admits secondary school age children with significantly challenging behaviour and a secondary need of severe learning difficulties and autistic spectrum disorder. Students will have:
- Cognitive skills within the severe learning difficulties range.
- Wide ranging difficulties which inhibit their ability to learn which may include:
- Poor self esteem
- Anti-social or inappropriate behaviours
- Inability to form appropriate social relationships
- A diagnosis of ASD, ADHD, conduct disorder or other clinically recognised conditions manifesting in challenging social and emotional related behaviours.
In order to be considered for placement a child must have a statement of Special Educational Needs or an EHCP plan, and be aged between 11 and 19. They must also be unable to fully access, or follow in a modified form, the National Curriculum within another maintained specialist provision due to their challenging behaviour. Furthermore, their ability must lie within certain specified bands for Literacy and Numeracy. In exceptional cases, a child who does not fully meet the criteria may be considered for placement at the request of Buckinghamshire Council SEN Team.
Contact your current school or Buckinghamshire Council using the following details:
Buckinghamshire Council
County Hall
Walton Street
HP20 1UA
Tel: 0300 131 6000
Or for further advice please feel free to contact us on 01494 448497 or office@kiteridge.bucks.sch.uk